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Marco Geronimi Stoll

Curriculum Vitæ

Marco Geronimi Stoll

Teacher at the State University of Milan - Corso di Laurea in Informatica Polo Tecnologico e di Ricerca di Crema Cattedra di Teoria e Tecniche dei Nuovi Media Born on 28.12.1954 in Luino (lago Maggiore)

Until 1979

He works as musician (400 concerts, 3 disks) as well as composer of music for the theatre. From '79 to '84 Arts Director of Florence's Teatro delle Metafore.

From 1984 to 1988

Musical electronics expert and trainer of trainers . Inventor of interactive teaching devices for science museums. Co-planner and Science Director of the exhibition "Sound and Energy" representing Italy at the Frankfurt Book Fair.
Contemporaneously: five years as consultant for the Ricordi publishing house, training music teachers and author of eleven books on the subject of communication and art pedagogy (one of which, "il bambino tra i suoni", (The Child Amongst Sounds) was re-printed six times.

From 1985 to 1993

For seven years, consultant in the preparation of trainers for the Municipality of Milan. The mind behind some "sound gardens" in Tuscany, in collaboration with the Superintendency of Environmental and Architectural Works in Florence. (Boboli Garden and Villa Medicea)
Inventor and organiser in Milan of two important international conventions on cognitive sciences, in collaboration with Enzo Tiezzi and Gianluca Bocchi, inviting Edgard Morin, Barry Commonner, Francisco Varela, Heinz v.Foester, Ernst v. Glasersfeld.
Author, with Bruno Munari, of a work in three volumes on the relations between environment and creativity. Teacher of Musicoterapy for two years at the Catholic University of Milan.
Speaker at conferences and interventions during conventions on the themes of creativity, communication and training.
Author of a documentary for RAI on the use of the voice in communication.

From 1987 to 1996

A continual co-operation with M.E.D.I.A. - (Methods and Teaching Means for Enterprises), for clients such as: Mondadori and Olivetti.

From 1997

For the Ministry of Education, Member of the Science Committee instituted in Florence in the framework of computerising Elementary Schools for play-learning methodologies, and author of a CDRom for a teachers' self-learning approach to play activities in Infant Schools.

Until 1999

In the Italian-speaking Swiss area. Project Manager in four stages of training and on-field consultancy for teachers in 26 small and medium towns in the Swiss Confederation; planning and conduction of on-site training projects for teachers and consultant for teaching innovation.

In 1997 and 1998

Officer in charge of communication for the Mediterranean Natural History Museum in Leghorn.

In 1997 and 1998

Project Manager in the plan for the professional up-dating of Contact Personnel for ENEL Direzione Distribuzione Sicilia (Electric Energy Distribution Management in Sicily).

In 1998 and 1999

CD ROM authoring for Amministrazione Provinciale di Brescia.

In 2000 and 2001

Project Manager and author of 3 CDROM about noise pollution and soundscape

In 2001 and 2003

beginning of a 3 years project in Tarvisio and other little villages of Italy, Slovenia and Austria, on multimedia and multiethnic communication in schools.


Member, with proff. Degli Antoni, De Kerckove, Fornasa on “L’esperienza del leggere” (the experience of reeding) (Università di Crema e di Bergamo).
Author, for Ente Regionale Teatrale del Friuli V.G. of some experience on virtual theatre, (http:www.teatroescuola.it)
Author of videoclip "El tuo es puro teatro" - Oglio Valley festival 2002

2003 (progress)

Definitive version of this site A theatrer virtual handbook with Emanuele Luzzati. English version of the virtual magazine “Age of Noise